Department/Unit: Centre for Digital Humanities
PhD Institution: Université de la Réunion
PhD dissertation title: Imitation et Invention dans les nouvelles et contes de l'île Maurice (avant l'indépendance)
Current research interests and projects: postcolonial studies, digital humanities
Selected publication 1: 2022 International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research, "Taking the Bull by the Horns: A Mauritian Qualitative Study of the Doctoral Training in French Studies" (ISBN: 978-99949-0-890-5)
Selected publication 2: 2022, International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME), "Recommendations of the Ethical Issues to Accommodate when Digitalizing the Big Data in the Field of Arts & Humanities" (co-author: Dr Cathryn Peoples)
Selected publication 3: 2021, "Le suicide chez l’adolescent et le bien-être subjectif : une analyse de la nouvelle, ‘La corde au cou’ de Shenaz Patel et quelques études de cas à l’île Maurice ", in Abbes Maazaoui (Ed.), The Lincoln Humanities Journal, Happiness: Practice, Process, and Product. (vol 9) [ISSN 2474-7726]
Selected publication 4: 2021, ‘Cultivating’ Social Skills and Competence through Digital Drama: A Case Study at Université des Mascareignes (Mauritius), , ICACIE 2021 (Co-author : Dr (Mrs) Shyama Ramsamy)
Selected publication 5: 2021, Étude d’opinion des mauricien.nes sur les maladies mentales pouvant être stigmatisantes en particulier concernant les personnes agées. (co-author: Mr. Pascal Boncoeur)[]
Selected publication 6: 2020, Université de Tabriz (Iran), Revue : Recherches en Langues et Littératures Françaises, "Motiver les Apprenants avec le Théâtre (Numérique) : Etude de Cas à l’Université des Mascareignes (Ile Maurice)". doi: 10.22034/rllfut.2021.40592.1279
Selected publication 7: 2020, "La rétroaction en ligne par les pairs pour développer l’esprit critique dans des cours de langues : une étude de cas à l'Université des Mascareignes (Île Maurice)". Revue Frantice, no 18.
Selected publication 8: 2020, "The Island as a Space of Otherness: a Study of Non-Fictional Travel Writing on Mauritius (1830-1909), under British Rule", Lincoln Humanities Journal (USA), Volume 8.
Selected publication 9: 2020, “Using Scratch software as a teaching-learning tool in French language classes: a case study at Université des Mascareignes (Mauritius)”, Springer/ICACIE Conference, 2020
Selected publication 10: 2018, "Looking for home: a study of banishment and exile of Jews in Mauritius during the Second World War", University of Western Australia, Limina: A Journal of Historical and Cultural Studies.
Capstone assignment title: Taking the Bull by the Horns: A Mauritian Case Study of the Doctoral Training in French Studies
Capstone assignment abstract: The PhD in French studies (doctorat ès lettres) was first introduced in France in March 1808 (Places, 1969). Despite major amendments over the centuries, the doctoral training (which includes doctoral supervision) for candidates enrolled in this PhD in both France and Mauritius still lags behind and is often accused of being completely irrelevant in solving social issues (Turin, 2018). Few studies have been conducted on doctoral training in French studies. Therefore, a focus group was used to gather the responses of five PhD holders, who have completed their PhD in the same field at different universities in France and Mauritius. In view of examining whether there is a need to revamp the “traditional” French studies doctoral training into the “New-route PhD” (StellenboschUniversity, 2018) in order to reboot and reinvigorate the field, an inventory of how doctorates were and are still trained was conducted in an informal interview.