Department/Unit: Public Administration and Management
Qualifications: PhD Public Administration
PhD Institution: University of South Africa
PhD dissertation title: The development and implementation of methods and procedures of issuing drivers licences in the Madibeng Municipality
Current research interests and projects: Public Policy development and implementation
Selected publication 1: Alers, C. 2022. Setting a policy design evaluation framework: Indigent Policy, Administratio Publica: Vol. 30 (2): 46-62.
Selected publication 2: Motsamai, M.W. and Alers, C. 2022. Teachers’ Perspectives on the Effects of Free Primary Education Policy of the Kingdom of Eswatini on Education Quality in Public Schools. African Journal of Public Affairs: Vol. 13 (1): 79-96.
Selected publication 3: Adetunji, I.A. and Alers, C. 2022. The Relationship Between Leadership and Rules of Conduct in Instilling Ethical Behaviour: Case of City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality. Administratio Publica: Vol. 30 (1): 76-92.
Selected publication 4: Alers, C. and Ferreira, GM. 2019. Developing Driving Licence Standard Operating Procedures: The Case of Madibeng Local Municipality. Administratio Publica: Vol. 27 (1): 226-247.
Selected publication 5: Alers, C. 2019. An Internal Control System of Value to the Driving Licence Testing Centre of the Madibeng Local Municipality. Administratio Publica: Vol. 27 (3): 48-69.
Selected publication 6: Alers, C. 2019. ‘Practice makes perfect’ – The significance of standardised methods and procedures in Public Administration: A Case of the Madibeng Municipality. The 4th Annual International Conference on Public Administration and Development Alternatives, 3- 5 July 2019, Southern Sun Hotel, OR Tambo International Airport, Johannesburg, South Africa
Selected publication 7: Matloko, B.H. and Alers, C. 2022. Implementation of demand management in the South African Police Service, Administratio Publica: Vol. 30 (3): 63-85.
Capstone assignment title: The roles and skills of doctoral supervisors in the research process within the context of public administration
Capstone assignment abstract: The focus of this paper is on the supervision of doctoral students with specific reference to the roles and skills of doctoral supervisors in the research process. The achievement through this function will culminate in enhancing the capabilities of doctoral supervisors within the public administration domain. The research process in public administration is often organised around the following activities; title, background information; preliminary literature review; problem statement and research questions, purpose of the study, research design and methodology and an outline of chapters. An authentic example of a research proposal submitted in 2021 is used to illustrate the different roles and skills required from a doctorial supervisor during the review of the particular research proposal. The problem statements, research questions and the objectives will be used. Reference is also made the role of the supervisor in reaching conclusions and recommendations. The paper commences with a description of the importance of socialising and the relationship between a student and his supervisor during the doctoral journey.