BALDE, Elhadj Saidou (Prof.)
Institute for Research and Development of Medicinal and Food Plants of Guinea (IRDPMAG)
Sciences pharmaceutiques
PhD Institution:
PhD country:
PhD dissertation title:
Identification de nouvelles molécules à potentiel anticancéreux
Current research interests and projects:

Diabetes Malaria Cancer

Selected publication 1:
Traditional Guinean management of breast diseases in low and Middle Guinea,
Selected publication 2:
Ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants used to manage hypertension in the Republic of Guinea.
Selected publication 3:
Add on to Azythromycine, Phytomedicine and/or Antimalarial Drug vs Hydroxychloroquine in Uncomplicated COVID- 19 Patients (CANCOVID-19)
Selected publication 4:
Malaria in Guinean Rural Areas: Prevalence, Management, and Ethnotherapeutic Investigations in Dionfo, Sub- Prefecture of Labe.
Selected publication 5:
In vivo antidiabetic activities of aqueous extract of Anchomanes difformis (Blume) Eng, Rhizophora racemosa G.Mey and Ravenala madagascariensis Sonn
Selected publication 6:
Ethnobotanical and antiplasmodial investigation on Guinean Terminalia species
Selected publication 7:
The hypoglycemic and cytotoxic activity of the leave extract of Combretum glutinosum Perr ex DC.
Selected publication 8:
Bioassay-guided isolation of antiplasmodial and antimicrobial constituents from the roots of Terminalia albida
Selected publication 9:
Efficacy and Safety of Englerina lecardii (Engl.) Balle in the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes.
Selected publication 10:
In vitro antiprotozoal, antimicrobial and antitumor activity of Pavetta crassipes K. Schum leaf extracts
Capstone assignment title:
How to improve the PHD program quality AT the Center of research and valorization of medicinals plants
Capstone assignment abstract:

For a qualification of training of trainers in the health sciences the doctorate is of obvious interest. the CRVPM which supervises doctoral students in the health field must, however, better structure its PhD program in order to ensure a certain level of quality for PhD students it supervises. In the particular case of my field (Pharmacy) with the aging of the teaching class a need to train the succession in a good specialty exists. But in the absence of funding and happy prospect, less candidates for certain basic disciplines comes forward. The will of the authorities and the availability of funding are two essential conditions to improve the training of doctorates in our institutions