Department/Unit: Dept. of Archaeology
Qualifications: Bioghraphy I am an assistant professor of archeology at the University of Khartoum/ Faculty of Arts/ Department of Archeology. I received my B.A. (2011), M.A. (2015) and PhD. (2018) from the University of Khartoum. My PhD. dissertation was entitled "Meroitic Urban Centers: a comparative archeological study between Kedurma and Hamadab." I completed my dissertation under a DAAD-region scholarship, and completed a six-month research stay at the Institute of Egyptology and Coptology, at the University of Münster (Germany) from May 1 to October 31, 2018. I have extensive field research experience including serving as Field Director for the Meroe Northern Environs Archeological Project, the Mahas Survey Project 'The Historical Town of Nauri' and excavations at Kedurma. I have presented this work at numerous international conferences. Currently, I am NGS Explorer for the project entitled "A Paleogenomic Study of the Meroitic Peoples of Kedurma (350 BCE-350 CE) in Sudanese Nubia".
PhD Institution: University of Khartoum
PhD dissertation title: Meroitic Urban Centers: A comparative Archaeological Study between Kedurma and Hamadab
Current research interests and projects: Archaeology of the Meroitic State Urban Archaeology Historical archaeology Projects: 'Systematic Analysis of the Meroitic Cemetery at Kedurma, Third Cataract Region of the Nile, Sudan', Granted by The British Institute in Eastern Africa (BIEA). the Michela Schiff Giorgini Foundation. 2022 The archaeology of Kedurma (a study of the settlement with especial reference to the royal palace and vernacular architecture). Granted by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Sudan- within the youth projects program. 2021 The Dialogue between the Nile and the Desert: A Case Study from the Eastern Hinterlands of Kedurma, Granted by the British Institute in Eastern Africa (BIEA). 2021 A Paleogenomic Study of the Meroitic Peoples of Kedurma (350 BCE–350 CE) in Sudanese Nubia. Granted by National Geographic Society. 2021 Kedurma Archaeological Project (KDRAP). Granted by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Sudan. 2019
Selected publication 1: Meroitic Archaeology along the Nile in the Third Cataract Region, Nyame Akuma, the Bulletin of the Society of African Archaeologists, No9, 2020, 26-31
Selected publication 2: Kedurma a Regional Meroitic Administrative Town North of the 3rd Cataract Region, Sudan& Nubia, the Sudan Archaeological Research Society Bulletin, vol. 24, 2020, 91-99
Selected publication 3: Kedurma Eastern Hinterlands in North Sudan: An archaeological Survey, with, Sarah Mamoon, & Osman Khaleel as co-authored, in Der Antike Sudan MittSAG, Vol.32, 2021, 29-43.
Selected publication 4: Tethering Stones in Kedurma, Nile Third Cataract in the Sudan, Nyame Akuma, the Bulletin of the Society of African Archaeologists, No96, 2020, 37-43
Selected publication 5: Medieval and Post-Medieval Archaeology in the Sudan: a study of two cemeteries at Mura and Al-Rekabbia, Northern State, The Algerian Journal of Humanities Approved Indexed Scientific International Journal Specializing in the humanities Edited by University Oran1Ahmed Ben Bella - Oran–Algeria, Vol.3, 2021, pp178- 201.
Selected publication 6: The archaeology of Wadi el-Dan north of ancient Meroe; Excavation of some unusual tumulus graves (co-authored with Dr. Abdelrahman Saaid), in Der Antike Sudan MittSAG, Vol.31, 2020, 63-73
Selected publication 7: Meroe: the State of the Art (with Prof. Ali Osman as co-authored ) (in Arabic), The Bulletin of Sudanese Studies, a Scientific refereed journal of the institute of African and Asian Studies- University of Khartoum, Vol. 25, 2020, 39-65
Selected publication 8: Kedurma: The University of Khartoum Archaeological Project, Sudan & Nubia, the Sudan Archaeological Research Society Bulletin. Vol. 23, 2019, 27-32
Selected publication 9: The Concept of Town in the Meroitic Civilization (in Arabic), Sudan Geographical Journal, vol.3/2 Faculty of Geography and Environmental Sciences, University of Khartoum, 2019, 27-68
Selected publication 10: Reviews in the Management of Archaeological Work and Its Development in the Ancient City of Meroe 1909-2021 (in Arabic), Sudan Geographical Journal, Faculty of Geography and Environmental Sciences, University of Khartoum Vol.4/2, 2021, pp123-144.
Capstone assignment title: The State of Postgraduate Supervision in Sudan
Capstone assignment abstract: The aim of this study is to highlight the status of postgraduate supervision in Sudan, its strengths and weaknesses, and to examine the factors that influence the quality of postgraduate supervision from the perspective of students and supervisors. The study will provide information on the scientifically sound understanding of the status of supervision of post-graduate students in Sudan, its achievements and challenges; an assessment of the current situation based on the results of a recent questionnaire completed by students and supervisors from different Sudanese universities.