Qualifications: - Member of The Honourable Society of Middle Temple| Inn of Court (London, U.K) - G.D.L/C.P.E (Qualifying Law Degree for Practicing Barristers/Attorney-at-Law) | (Central Lancashire, School of Justice, U.K) - Cert. of Competency | for Doctoral Supervision (Stellenbosch, S.A) - Ph.D, Management | Marketing (Malaya, K.L, M'sia) - M.B.A, International Business (Malaya, KL, M'sia) - B.A Hons, Marketing (Northumbria, U.K) - PGCertHE (UoM, MU) - H.N.D, Business (Edexcel, U.K) - Adv. Dip & Dip (Language, FR) |(French Min. of Edu, FR) - D.F.P.A | (Paris Chamber of Commerce & Industry, FR) - MCIM | (Chartered Institute of Marketing, U.K)
Current research interests and projects: My multidisciplinary research interests include management, marketing, entrepreneurship, law, qualitative and quantitative research methodologies.