CEZULA, Ntozakhe Simon (Dr)
Stellenbosch University
Department of Old and New Testament
South Africa
Bachelor of Theology, Masters in Divinity, Licentiate in Theology & PhD in Old Testament Member of Old Testament Society of South Africa (national) & Society of Biblical Literature (international)
PhD Institution:
Stellenbosch University
PhD country:
South Africa
PhD dissertation title:
Identity Formation and Community Solidarity: Second Temple historiographies in discourse with (South) African theologies of reconstruction
Current research interests and projects:

Identity Formation in the Second Temple period and (South) Africa. African epistemologies and the Old Testament. Old Testament biblical translations and epistemology.

Selected publication 1:
Cezula, N.S. 2021. “Now Deborah, A Prophetess, A Fiery Woman…: A Gendered Reading of Judges 4: 4” in Stellenbosch Theological Journal, 7(1): 1-23.
Selected publication 2:
Cezula, Ntozakhe Simon, 2016. “The Chronicler as a Biblical Paradigm for a Theology of Reconstruction in Africa: An Exploration of 2 Chronicles 6:32” in Old Testament Essays, Vol 29, No 2, 117-138.
Selected publication 3:
Cezula, Ntozakhe. 2015. “Reading the Bible in the African Context: Assessing Africa’s Love Affair with Prosperity Gospel” in Stellenbosch Theological Journal, Vol 1, No 2, 131–153.
Selected publication 4:
Cezula, Ntozakhe. 2015. “De-Ideologizing Ezra-Nehemiah: Challenging Discriminatory Ideologies” in Restorative Readings: The Old Testament, Ethics, and Human Dignity, (eds. L. Juliana Claassens & Bruce Birch), 117-138
Selected publication 5:
Cezula, Ntozakhe Simon, 2018. “The Concept of ‘the Holy Seed’ as a Coping Strategy in Ezra-Nehemiah,” in Acta Theologica 38(1):15-36.
Selected publication 6:
Cezula, Ntozakhe Simon, 2017. “A Comment on Ehud Ben Zvi’s ‘Total Exile, Empty Land and the General Intellectual Discourse in Yehud’,” in OTE 30 (3): 592-608.
Selected publication 7:
Cezula, Ntozakhe Simon, 2017. “Waiting for the Lord: The Fulfilment of the Promise of Land in the Old Testament as a Source of Hope” in Scriptura Vol.116, No 1, pp. 1-15.
Selected publication 8:
Cezula, Ntozakhe Simon, 2017. “The ‘Fear of the Lord/God’ in the Context of The South Africa We Pray For Campaign” in Scriptura 116 (2): 15-26.
Selected publication 9:
Cezula, NS. 2020. “Two Poles of the Exodus: Conquest as the Oppressive Pole in Joshua 6: 21” in In Violence in the Hebrew Bible: Between Text and Reception. Brill: Leiden: 177-189.
Selected publication 10:
Cezula, NS. 2022. “Theology on Gender Reformation for the (South) African Reconstruction Process Perceptions from Exodus 21:7 and Deuteronomy 15:12, 17” in Sexual Reformation? Theological and Ethical Reflections on Human Sexuality (Eds. Kotzé, M., Marais, N. and van Velden, N.M). Pickwick: Eugene: 110-122.
Capstone assignment title:
Liminality, Doctorateness and Conceptual Framework: Three Essentials of Supervision
Capstone assignment abstract:

It is common for doctoral students to find themselves not progressing in their studies, no matter how hard they read. This can be a stress-inducing circumstance that can lead some to quit. This assignment discusses the concepts of doctorateness and conceptual framework as concepts that if well understood, can improve the performance of the candidates. It also views the notion of threshold concepts as helpful for both candidates and supervisors.