Department/Unit: Departement of rural economics
Qualifications: PhD on economics
PhD Institution: Faculty of economics, University Montpellier I
PhD dissertation title: Farmers behavior and water use efficiency: The case of the irrigated areas of Sidi Bouzid in semi arid region of Tunisia
Current research interests and projects: Researc Interests: Agricultural economy production, Natural Research, Farming System Analysis Mangement, Farm Modelling. National Project: - "Performance and sustainability of production systems" INRAT/MERST contract (2020-2023). - "Productivity, competitiveness and optimal allocation of resources" INRAT/MERST contract (2016-2019). - "Analysis of the productive performance of the irrigated cereal sector" PRF/IRESA, (2015-2017) International Project - "Management of industrial Treated wastewater ReUse as mitigation measures to water Scarcity in climaTe change (Trust) " project PRIMA, 2021-2024. - “Evaluation of new citrus rootstocks for their adaptation to different growing environments in Tunisia/ Farmers survey and economic studies ” USAID, 2020-2023 - “Identifying opportunities and mechanisms for improved uptake” within the framework of the multilateral project (UK/Tunisia/Egypt) BEANS4Africa “Traits and technologies to boost North African protein self-sufficiency” BBSRC/GCRF, (2017-2019). - “Bridging the gap between the research and release of varieties containing novel traits in Tunisia” (UK/Tunisia) BBSRC/GCRF, (2020-2021). - "Strengthening of rain-fed agriculture by hydro-agricultural works", Within the framework of the research-development project "PAPS-Valorisation-Eau" CEE/IRESA (TN-2014- GNE-0708457964). - Member of the multidisciplinary team, responsible for socio-economic surveys of the research-development project "Community control of leishmaniasis in a context of climate change" IDRC (OMNE/ATCT/CRDI N 105509-99).
Selected publication 1: Chemak F, Mazhoud H, Rached Z, Gara A, Rahmeni R, Ghannem H. Measuring Technical Efficiency for Closuring Yield Gap and Improving Water Productivity of the Irrigated Durum Wheat in Tunisia. Water. 2022; 14(14):2270.
Selected publication 2: Mazhoud H, Chemak F, Belhouchette H, Chenoune R. A Bio-Economic Model for Improving Irrigated Durum Wheat Performance and Regional Profits under Mediterranean Conditions. Agriculture. 2022; 12(5):618.
Selected publication 3: Chemak F., I. Nouiri, H. Bellali, M. K. Chahed, 2022. Irrigation practices, prevalence of leishmaniasis and sustainable development: Evidence from the Sidi Bouzid region in central Tunisia. Scientific African 15 (2022) e01094.
Selected publication 4: Mazhoud H, F. Chemak, R. Chenoun, 2020.Analyse typologique et performance productive de la culture du blé dur irrigué en Tunisie. Cah. Agric. 2020, 29, 24.
Selected publication 5: Chemak F., H. Mazhoud, H. Abdelhafidh, L. Albouchi, Y. Snoussi, 2018. Technical performance and water productivity analysis of the irrigated durum wheat activity. Journal of new sciences, Agriculture and biotechnology, 50(10), 3106-3116.
Selected publication 6: Bellali H. , F. Chemak, I. Nouiri, D. Mansour, J. Ghrab, J. Baaboub, M. K. Chahed, 2017. Zoonotic Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Prevalence Among Farmers in Central Tunisia. Journal of Agromedicine, 22:3, 244-250.
Selected publication 7: Nouiri I., F. Chemak, D. Mansour, H. Bellali, J. Ghrab, J. Baaboub, M. K. Chahed, 2015. Impacts of irrigation water management on consumption indicators and exposure to the vector of Zoonotic Cutaneous Leishmaniasis (ZCL) in Sidi Bouzid, Tunisia. International Journal of Agricultural Policy and Research, vol 3(2), February 2015,pp.93-103.
Selected publication 8: Chemak F., L. Allagui , Y. Ali, 2014. Analyse des performances techniques des producteurs de la pomme de terre. Une approche non paramétrique. New Medit n4/2014, 72-80.
Selected publication 9: Chemak F., J.P. Boussemart, F. Jacquet, 2010. Farming system performance and water use efficiency in the Tunisian semi-arid region: Data Envelopment Analysis Approach- Journal of International Transactions in Operational Research (ITOR), 17(2010), pp.381- 396.
Selected publication 10: Chemak F., R. Romain et G. West, 2006. Effet du statut foncier sur les systèmes de production et sur les revenus des familles de la communauté de Zoghmar dans le semi aride tunisien. Revue Canadienne des Etudes du Développement, N 3, Septembre 2006, pp.365-381.
Capstone assignment title: It’s my first experience… Am I on the right way?
Capstone assignment abstract: Doctoral studies are the most important post-graduate education to improve scientific knowledge and to make effective advancement of the research work. PhD student and supervisor remain the two main actors of these studies and their joint commitment is crucial to succeed the journey.In doctoral education feedback is a relevant mechanism to support doctoral students from the proposal design to the thesis defense and to facilitate them becoming self-regulated. Within this context this work aims to set up reflective account of the suitable gateway to sustain clear and effective supervisory process. Using the Feedback Expectation Tool (FET), face-to-face survey was carried with a sample of early career researchers (PhD students and Postdocs) to gather their views about feedback and their appreciation about their relationship with their supervisors that will be compared with the point of view of my student. The results showed that my student expressesed the same attitude of the majority of participants’ responses. However, some participants highlighted unsatisfaction about their doctoral journey. The findings stress the importance of gathering students’ feedback about the supervisory process and the necessity to keep in mind that the student-supervision relationship is a key factor of successful doctorate journey.