Department/Unit: Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Development
Qualifications: B. Com, M.Sc. (Economics) and PhD (Environment and Natural Resource Sciences: Environment and Resource Economics President: African Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AFAERE - ), 2021-2022 Country Representative: European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE), 2022 Member: World Council of Environmental and Resource Economics Associations (WCEREA), 2022 Member: Review Panel – Special Issue of the African Journal of Environmental and Resource Economics (AfJARE) – Inaugural Conference of African Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AFAERE), 2021-2022 Associate Coordinator of the South African SDG Hub, 2018-2020
PhD Institution: Washington State University (WSU), 2005.
PhD dissertation title: Economic Issues of Water Price Identification when price is cryptic: Experience from Windhoek, Namibia
Current research interests and projects: My interest is in development and issues arising from utilisation of natural and environmental resources for sustainable development. Sustainability and access to services for poor communities and governance issues. AfDB funded: Key Expert and Consultant (Agricultural Economist) NAMIBIA Agricultural Mechanization and Seed Improvement Project (NAMSIP) – MID Term Review (MTR), 2021-2022. Lead Consultant and Author: Writing the thematic and country reports for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for South Africa: 2018-2019
Selected publication 1: W. Akpalu, A. J. Atsu and S.T. Karuaihe (2022). COVID -19 Morbidity and Mortality in Tropical Countries: The Effect of Economic, Institutional, and Climatic Variables. Scientific African, 16 (2022) e01257.
Selected publication 2: Karuaihe S. T. (with Sumaila, et al.), 2021. World Trade Organization members must prohibit harmful fisheries subsidies. Science, 374 (6567), DOI: 10.1126/science.abm1680 (Letter).
Selected publication 3: Sekyere, E., Lunga, W. & Karuaihe, S. T., 2021. The impact of disasters on economic growth in selected Southern Africa development community countries. Jàmbá: Journal of Disaster Risk Studies, 13(1), a1081. jamba.v13i1.1081.
Selected publication 4: C. Nhemachena, L. Nhamo, G. Matchaya, C. R. Nhemachena, B.Muchara, S. T. Karuaihe and S. Mpandeli, 2020. Climate Change Impacts on Water and Agriculture Sectors in Southern Africa: Threats and Opportunities for Sustainable Development. Water 2020, 12(10), 2673;
Selected publication 5: Karuaihe S., Namibia's urban poor are stuck in limbo, without land or services. The Conversation, 19 September 2019, at:
Selected publication 6: Karuaihe S., and Wandschneider, P, 2018. Lack of Access to Land: A limiting constraint for the urban Poor to access private municipal services in Windhoek, Namibia. Development Southern Africa, doi: 10.1080/0376835X.2018.1475219.
Selected publication 7: Nhemachena C., Matchaya G., Nhemachena C.R., Karuaihe S., Muchara B. and Nhlengethwa S., 2018. Measuring Baseline Agriculture-Related Sustainable Development Goals Index for Southern Africa. Sustainability, 10, 849; doi: 10.3390/su10030849
Selected publication 8: Karuaihe S., Wandschneider P. and Yoder J., 2012. Water Bill Estimation when Price is Cryptic: Experience from Windhoek, Namibia. South African Journal of Economics, 80:2, 2012, 264-286.
Selected publication 9: S. T. Karuaihe, T. Rahman and B. Abidoye, 2022. The Sustainable Development Goals: Origin and Progress. Handbook on Public Policy and Food Security. Editors: Sheryl L Hendriks and Suresh C Babu. (Book chapter - In review).
Selected publication 10: M. Ssebaggala and S.T. Karuaihe (2022). Evaluating households’ willingness to pay for different water uses in Wakiso District, Uganda. African Journal of Agriculture and Resource Economics (AfJARE). Special Issue (in review).
Capstone assignment title: Supervision as research project and the role of feedback in thesis writing Selma Karuaihe, University of Pretoria
Capstone assignment abstract: The study used Module 6 theme 3 on the feedback expectation tool by (Stracke & Kumar, 2019) and supervision as a research project (theme 2) from Module 6 (Botha and Mouton, 2019) to analyse the expectations of graduate students doing Environmental Economics at the University of Pretoria. The findings are more of a learning experience for me as I embark on my new journey for PhD supervision. I will compare the feedback from students with my own expectations based on the FET that I completed and use it during future consultations with my students. Their responses on the role of supervision as a research project also helps me understand their expectations on the type of skills I should have as their supervisor or the skills they expect from the supervising team.