Department/Unit: Institut National Superieur de Technologie Industrielle (INSTI)
Qualifications: Flavien Lanmantchion holds a PhD in Teaching English as a Foreign Language in February, 2013 at the université d'Abomey Calavi. He is currently an associate-professor of EFL and ESP at CAMES Universities. He holds a degree in Special Education and Differentiated Instruction in EFL Contexts (SpEd TEFL) and another one in English for Specific Purposes (ESP) at University of Oregon, American English Institute United States . He was the Former president of Beninese National Teachers of English Association (BNTEA) and is the current professional development director of Africa English Language Teachers Association .
PhD Institution: Université d'Abomey Calavi
PhD dissertation title: Teachers' Development and Students' Achievement in EFL Classes in Benin Context..
Current research interests and projects: English Language Teaching Needs Assessment Program Evaluation Quality Assurance in Education Doctoral Training
Selected publication 1: Early English Education Experimentation in some Primary Schools in Benin Republic: a Hot Commodity or a Cooked Food? » LANMANTCHION Dossou Flavien et al, Revue Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée, de Littérature et d’Education, 1(1), Février 2021, pp. 110-120. ISSN: 1840-9318,
Selected publication 2: Can WhatsApp Contribute to English Language Teachers’ Professional Development? Findings from Benin, LANMANTCHION Dossou Flavien in MultiFontaines, Revue internationale de littérature et sciences humaines, Comité de lecture et/ou scientifique : no 9, Janvier 2021, ISSN 2311-1658
Selected publication 3: EFL Students’ Views on the Use of a Flipped Classroom Model during Covid-19 Pandemic First Wave: A Case Study, LANMANTCHION Dossou Flavien in ANNALES DE LA FLLAC VOL. 2, N°1, NOVEMBRE 2020 , Comité de lecture et/ou scientifique : FLLAC, Université d’Abomey-Calavi, ANNALES DE LA FLLAC VOL. 2, N°1, NOVEMBRE 2020,
Selected publication 4: Teaching English during COVID 19 Pandemic: On the Value of Learning from Experiences, LANMANTCHION Dossou Flavien in Ziglôbitha, Revue des Arts, Linguistique, Littérature & Civilisations, Éditeur : Université Peleforo Gon Coulibaly – Côte d’Ivoire, Spécial n°01 Juillet 2020 15-32
Selected publication 5: Female Teachers’ Poor Distribution and Causes of this in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language Industry: A Case Study, LANMANTCHION Dossou FlavieRevue Scientifique Des Sciences Du Langage, Lettres, Langues & Communication; Akofena, Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny Abidjan - Côte D'ivoire, N° 002 Volume 2 Septembre, 2020 pp 239-250 , ISSN 2706-6312
Selected publication 6: Surveying Reading Instructional Practices used with Students with Albinism in English as a Foreign Language Classes: A Case StudyLANMANTCHION Dossou Flavien Journal : MultiFontaines, Revue internationale de littérature et sciences humaines, DOI ou Site Web de l'article+ Comité de lecture et/ou scientifique : no 8, Janvier 2020 , )PP 96-107, ISSN 2311-165
Selected publication 7: An Appraisal of the Place of African Cultures in English as A Foreign Language Curricular Reforms from Independence to Democracy in Benin Republic, LANMANTCHION Dossou Flavien Journal : Villanova Journal of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities , Vol. 2. No. 1. 2020., ISSN: 2672-5037 (Online) 2672-5029 (Print)
Selected publication 8: Sexual Predation in the English Language Teaching (ELT) Industry: Female Learners’ Responses from some English Departments in Francophone Africa, LANMANTCHION Dossou Flavien, IGWEBUIKE: An African Journal of Arts and Humanities,Vol. 6. No. 1. March 2020.
Selected publication 9: Exploring Ways of Developing Students’ Oral Performance using Moving Images: A Case Study, LANMANTCHION Dossou Flavien , Revue Africaine et Malgache de Recherche Scientifique (RAMReS) : Littérature, Langues et Linguistique, N°8, 1er semestre – Juin 2019, Pages 46-55, ISSN 2424-726X
Selected publication 10: Learning English as a Foreign Language: A Case Study of Students with Vision Impairment at a Beninese University, LANMANTCHION Dossou Flavien, Journal of South Pacific Educators in Visual Impairment, 11(1), pp. 26-38; 2018, ISSN: 1443-759
Capstone assignment title: Gender Based Power Relationship in Doctoral Supervision: Female Doctoral Students' Perceptions of Male Supervisors at an African University
Capstone assignment abstract: The study investigated Female Doctoral Students’ Perceptions on Male Supervisors at an African University. The findings represent a higher rate of dissatisfaction with the advisor by female candidates. The findings illustrated doctoral advisors’ lack of proper understanding of the doctoral supervision. Advisors do not use their academic power to promote a transformational and inclusive supervision; they allow their attitudes to perpetuate exclusionary practices which result in negative supervisory experiences for female doctoral candidates. The way supervisors perceive female doctoral candidates poses a challenge to the achievement of education for all goals. It is important that supervisors rise to the challenge and consider systematic training and the implementation of reliable supervision practice.