LINDE, Karlien (Dr)
University of Limpopo
Department of Physiology of Environmental Health
South Africa
PhD Occupational Hygiene Registered occupational hygiene technologist - Southern African Institute for Occupational Hygiene
PhD Institution:
North-West University
PhD country:
South Africa
PhD dissertation title:
Skin colour, photoprotective measures, and solar ultraviolet radiation exposure of workers on a macadamia nut and avocado farm
Current research interests and projects:

Solar ultraviolet radiation Occupational heat stress Occupational hygiene

Selected publication 1:
Personal Solar Ultraviolet Radiation Exposure of Farmworkers: Seasonal and Anatomical Differences Suggest Prevention Measures Are Required
Selected publication 2:
Personal solar ultraviolet radiation exposure of farm workers: seasonal and anatomical differences suggest prevention measures are required
Selected publication 3:
Subjective and objective skin colour of a farmworker group in the Limpopo Province, South Africa
Capstone assignment title:
The challenges faced by distance doctoral students and strategies to overcome them
Capstone assignment abstract:

Individuals pursue doctoral studies at local or international universities that are some distance away from where they are located for a number of reasons. These reason include a lack of supervisory capacity as well as the Covid-19 pandemic in recent years. Improved communication technology has made interaction between the distance doctoral student and their supervisor easier. Benefits of using this type of communication include the ability to enable record keeping of these interactions. Also, video call technology has helped reduce the chance of miscommunication due to the lack of nonverbal communication cues. However, miscommunication between the distance doctoral student and supervisor may still occur. The student may also feel a lack of supervisory support. Different distance students may also have different requirements from a distance supervisor. Some need constant interaction while others prefer not to have this type of interaction. Independent researchers may flourish but other researchers may struggle. Mentoring may also be lacking from the supervisor's side. Distance doctoral students may also feel isolated from their peer group. Effective planning is esential which may include progress time lines and stipulated expectations such as memorandums of understandings (MoUs). Regular meetings between the student and supervisor would be beneficial. Formal initiatives such as development programs and support groups will assist in the students feeling less isolated. Distance doctoral students will increase in number in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic which means that measures should be put in place to assist these students to achieve their degree and develop as individual researchers.