Marondera University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology
Animal Production Sciences
Field of study:
Not submitted
PhD Institution:
Chonbuk National University
PhD country:
South Korea
PhD dissertation title:
Characterisation and Functionality of dietary microvesicles containing microRNA from Bovine milk
Current research interests and projects:
Factors influencing agricultural production in developing countries Opportunities for food based therapy in African diets
Selected publication 1:
Maburutse BE, Park MR, Oh S, Kim Y. Evaluation and Characterization of Milk-derived Microvescicle Isolated from Bovine Colostrum. Korean J Food Sci AnimResour. 2017;37(5): pp654–662. doi:10.5851/kosfa.2017.37.5.654
Selected publication 2:
Yun, B., Maburutse, B. E., Kang, M., Park, M. R., Park, D. J., Kim, Y., & Oh, S. (2020). Dietary bovine milk–derived exosomes improve bone health in an osteoporosis-induced mouse model. Journal of Dairy Science, 103(9), 7752-7760.
Selected publication 3:
Sangnam Oh, Mi-Ri Park, Sangdon Ryu, Brighton E. Maburutse, Ji-Uk Kim, and Younghoon Kim.Quantitative analysis of milk-derived microRNAs and microbiota during the manufacturing and ripening of soft cheese. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2017;27(8) pp1566-1575. doi:10.4014/jmb.1705.05006
Selected publication 4:
Mi Ri Park, Sangdon Ryu, Brighton E. Maburutse, Nam Su Oh, Sae Hun Kim, Sejong Oh, Seong-YeopJeong, Do-YounJeong, Sangnam Oh &Younghoon Kim. Probiotic Lactobacillus fermentum strain JDFM216 stimulates the longevity and immune response of Caenorhabditis elegans through a nuclear hormone receptor. Scientific Reports.2018; 8(1), Article number 7441doi:10.1038/s41598-018-25333-8
Selected publication 5:
Son, S.J., Park, M.R., Ryu, S.D., Maburutse, B.E., Oh, N.S., Park, J., Oh, S. and Kim, Y. In vivo screening platform for bacteriocins using Caenorhabditis elegans to control mastitis-causing pathogens. Journal of Dairy Science. 2016; 99(11),
Selected publication 6:
Sangdon Ryu, Mi Ri Park, Brighton E. Maburutse, Woong Ji Lee, Dong-Jun Park, Soohyun Cho, Inho Hwang, Sangnam Oh, Younghoon Kim. Diversity and Characteristics of the Meat Microbiological Community on Dry Aged Beef.Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology.2018;28(1) pp105-108.doi: 10.4014/jmb.1708.08065
Selected publication 7:
B.E. Maburutse, T. Mutibvu, D.T. Mbiriri , M.T. Kashangura. 2012. Communal Livestock Production InSimbe, Gokwe South District of Zimbabwe. Online Journal of Animal and Feed Research. 2012;2 (4) pp351-360
Selected publication 8:
T. Mutibvu, B.E.Maburutse, D.T.Mbiriri and M.T.Kashangura. Constraints and opportunities for increased livestock production in communal areas: A case study of Simbe, Zimbabwe. Livestock Research For Rural Development. 2012; 24(9)
Selected publication 9:
Banga, M., Maburutse, B. E., Mugova, C. J., Tauro, T. P., & Pisa, C. (2022). Utilisation of Cactus (Opuntia ficus-indica) in Mitigating Drought Effects on Livestock in Matabeleland South Province of Zimbabwe. In Climate Change Adaptations in Dryland Agriculture in Semi-Arid Areas (pp. 311-327). Springer, Singapore.
Selected publication 10:
Gombwe, C., Chigede, N., Hungwe, T., Nhara, R. B., Dahwa, E., Muvhuringi, P. B., & Maburutse, B. E. (2022). Feed Management for Smallholder Pig Farming Systems in Zimbabwe. In Climate Change Adaptations in Dryland Agriculture in Semi-Arid Areas (pp. 301-309). Springer, Singapore.
Capstone assignment title:
Not submitted
Capstone assignment abstract:
None submitted