Department/Unit: School of Computing and Information Technology
Qualifications: August 2013 – August 2016 Atlantic International University – Hawaii-USA Doctor of Sciences; Computer Science July 2010 – July 2013 Bangalore University - Bangalore-India Masters Computer Applications May 2011- May 2013 Annamalai University - Bangalore-India Master of Science Software Engineering January 2005 – May 2010 Kigali Institute of Science and Technology -Kigali Bachelor of Science in Engineering, Computer Science, 2010
PhD Institution: Atlantic International University
PhD dissertation title: Cloud Computing and Security, a Case of “Security Mechanism and Pillars of ERPS on Cloud Technology”
Current research interests and projects: His interest is particularly in the following research areas: • Change Mining and Analysis for Large- scale Data Streams • Cloud Computing and Data Integration • Machine Learning and Bio-inspired computing • Natural Language Processing and Natural Human Computing • Distributed Systems, Software Security and privacy • Intelligent Systems and Informatics • Advancing the state-of-the-art and practice of engineering large scale software systems • Modelling and performance evaluation of concurrent systems • Services Computing and eCommerce • IOT and Robotics
Selected publication 1: • Data Structures and Algorithms Student Version, Edition Universitaire Européenne, 2018, ISBN 978-620-2-28796-8
Selected publication 2: •
Selected publication 3: • Data Structures and Algorithms using C Kindle Version, “Just-in-time-erudition, learning by case in point and learning by doing and demonstrating.”Amazon-eBooks, 2018, ISBN 9781981053759
Selected publication 4: • The Intelligent Software Systems: The Practical Implementation of Software Security Vulnerabilities Detection Modeling;
Selected publication 5: • Team Motivational Factors Influencing The Performance Of Government Projects In Rwanda. A Case Of Electricity Access Rollout Project (EARP);
Selected publication 6: • A Vision of IoT: Applications, Challenges, and Opportunities,
Selected publication 7: • The role of IOT and E-commerce in Agriculture digitization, promoting rural development in Rwanda Journal: Electronic Commerce Research and Applications,, 2021
Selected publication 8: • Cloud Computing and Security: The Security Mechanism and Pillars of ERPs on Cloud Technology, Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 4 - April
Selected publication 9: • Convolution neural network to uncover bank's hidden patterns and unknown correlation International Journal of Scientific and Research Publication (IJSRP), ISSN 2250-3153; DOI is: 10.29322
Selected publication 10: • Cloud Computing: An Avenue for Enhancing E-Government System • From Traditional To Technology Based Education In Primary Schools
Capstone assignment title: Contribution of supervisor and Supervisee cohesion to the industrial concerns
Capstone assignment abstract: Supervision is a basis for learning and professional advancement for either academic, industrial solution or both; In the academic world today, there are an increase calls for knowledge creation and more universities graduate a numbers of students with PhDs designed for jobs in academia and to the number of job openings in various sectors to effect the economic growth in the industry; doctoral education is expected to encompass studies specific to the doctoral candidate's disciplines and research fields, as well as transferable skills training, thus academic institutions should develop quality and attractive programs that are in line with the labor market and at national and international standards. The triad model tends to align the involvement of Industry, Researchers and academic institutions; nevertheless it is important to understand that the role each one plays in the functioning of this model may dilute the attitude of Doctoral supervision stance and hence changing the nature of research. While thinking the contribution of supervisor and supervisee cohesion as researchers at University of Rwanda- African Center of Excellence in Internet of Things (ACEIoT) based on expected output from the research in terms of findings and expertise of the students, and inputs of the supervisor to the research, this capstone work aims to develop contextualized model of doctoral supervision in addressing both academic and industrial concerns.