MBONGUE, Joseph (Prof.)
University of Yaoundé I
Herman Department
PhD and Habilitation
PhD Institution:
Universitaet Martin Luther Halle Wittenberg
PhD country:
PhD dissertation title:
Macro Approach of the Tunen Bible Translation : An application of the Key technical Termini
Current research interests and projects:

German Language/writing/Multilinguism/contrastiv analysis

Selected publication 1:
Mehrsprachigkeit un afrikanischen Bildungssystemen
Selected publication 2:
Die Stellung der deutschen Sprache il Sprachdschungel Afrikas
Selected publication 3:
Mehrsprachiges Handeln in polyglotten Gesellschaften
Selected publication 4:
The power of concepts, images ans symbols of Cameroon
Selected publication 5:
l'Afrique et ses identités linguistiques : cas du Tunen
Selected publication 6:
Sprachen un Bewegung: Mehrsprachigkeit uns Identitaet
Selected publication 7:
Insécurité et menace asymétriques : le retour aux sources comme seul gage de développement durable
Selected publication 8:
Ni Noir, ni Blanc as a paradox of an illusory double identity
Selected publication 9:
Deutsche Sprache und endogene kulturelle Werte: welche interkulturellen Herausforderungen
Selected publication 10:
L'enseignement des langues nationales à l'Université : état des lieux et perspectives.
Capstone assignment title:
Supervising a PhD un Herman Language at the University of Yaoundé 1: Challenges and new perspectives
Capstone assignment abstract:

Abstract It is a prophetic saying to wish that the next generation of Africain Leaders should at least ne a PhD holder. However, some Yeats ago ans according to various educational systems, there were different doctorate degrees un Cameron: doctorat de 3e cycle and doctorat d'État. With the introduction of the LMD-system, all those former doctorate degrees have merged to thé Anglo Saxon system to become PhD.