Department/Unit: School of Computing & Engineering Sciences
Qualifications: PhD - Information Technology
PhD Institution: Strathmore University
PhD dissertation title: Deriving a Transparent Dataspace-Oriented Entity Collaborative Infrastructure
Current research interests and projects: Design Thinking Systems Design Design Education: Challenge-driven Education (CDE) Computational Sustainability Ontology and Data Science Algorithms Speech & Computer Vision Internet of Things (IoT)
Selected publication 1: Nilsson, S., Shibwabo Kasamani, B., Hede Mortensen, J., Stevanovic, D., Wanyang, M., Norell Bergendahl, M., & Papalambros, P. (2022). Challenges and Opportunities for Enabling Mutual Learning and Collaboration in Design and Innovation for Sustainable Development in Africa and Beyond. Proceedings of the Design Society, 2, 1071-1080. doi:10.1017/pds.2022.109
Selected publication 2: Mandale S.K., Kasamani B.S. (2022) A Decision Tree-Based Model for Tender Evaluation. In: Ben Ahmed M., Boudhir A.A., Karaș İ.R., Jain V., Mellouli S. (eds) Innovations in Smart Cities Applications Volume 5. SCA 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 393. Springer, Cham.
Selected publication 3: Maina L.K., Kasamani B.S. (2022) A Centralized Credit Scoring Prototype for Microlending Institutions Using Neural Networks. In: Ben Ahmed M., Boudhir A.A., Karaș İ.R., Jain V., Mellouli S. (eds) Innovations in Smart Cities Applications Volume 5. SCA 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 393. Springer, Cham.
Selected publication 4: Owire B. & Shibwabo, B. K. (2021) A Smart GPS-Based IOT System for Blackspot Notification. Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLVI-4/W5-2021, 405–410. The 6th International Conference on Smart City Applications, 27–29 October 2021, Karabuk University, Virtual Safranbolu, Turkey,
Selected publication 5: Alaka B. & Shibwabo, B. K. (2021) The Ethical Switch: An Automated Policy and Regulation Framework for Data Dissemination in Cloud Environments. Published by IEEE in 2021 IST-Africa Conference Proceedings. 10th – 14th May 2021. South Africa, 2021.
Selected publication 6: Alaka B., & Kasamani B.S. (2021) Redefining Data Dimensionality Through Dynamic Linkages in Data-Space Continuum. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Intelligent Engineering (ICACIE) Conference Proceedings (Springer). 25th – 27th June 2020. In: Panigrahi C.R., Pati B., Pattanayak B.K., Amic S., Li KC. (eds) Progress in Advanced Computing and Intelligent Engineering. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1299. Springer, Singapore.
Selected publication 7: Kasamani B.S., Litunya D. (2020) Activity Logging in a Bring Your Own Application Environment for Digital Forensics. In: Yang XS., Sherratt S., Dey N., Joshi A. (eds) Fourth International Congress on Information and Communication Technology. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol. 1041. Springer, Singapore. DOI:
Selected publication 8: Eugene Odanga Masinde & Shibwabo, B. K. (2019). A Noticeboard Application Using Context Aware Services: Case of Strathmore University, Kenya. Published in IST-Africa 2019 Conference Proceedings. 7th – 10th May 2019. DOI:
Selected publication 9: Shibwabo, B. K., & Ateya, I.L. (2018). Data Recovery of Flash Memory. In Banerjee W. (Ed.), Nanocrystals in Nonvolatile Memory (pp. 327-367), Pan Stanford.
Selected publication 10: Omyonga K. & Shibwabo B. K. (2015). The Application of Real-Time Voice Recognition to Control Critical Mobile Device Operations. International Journal of Research Studies in Science, Engineering and Technology (ISSN 2349-4751 (Print) & ISSN 2349-476X (Online) Volume 2, Issue 7, July 2015, PP 174-184. Available at:
Capstone assignment title: Predatory Publishers: A Journal Review Criteria for Africa
Capstone assignment abstract: The need to publish by researchers and scholars has been accompanied by serious cases of predatory publishing. Various interests have led to the increase of predatory publishers, which are a detriment to good scientific practices. The rigor in the peer review (if any) and publication process for such publishers is always questionable. Predatory publications are detrimental not just to the author(s) but also to the society, institution and the core reason of knowledge generation. It has been found that predatory publishing is more common in developed countries many of which exist in the African continent. One of the reasons why this is the case is lack of training/guidance on how to identify predatory publishers. Few countries prescribe a list of publishers/journals to universities and even in cases where there is a list, we still have low quality journals infiltrating the lists or authors falling prey to other low quality alternatives. This study proposes a criteria for evaluating publishers. A literature study as well as brainstorming sessions were applied to formulate the criteria. The criteria has been tested by stakeholders (directors and deans, including supervisors) in an African university and found to be readily suitable for adoption.