Department/Unit: Department of Geology, UP Natural Hazard Centre
Qualifications: PhD Mathematical Statistics
PhD Institution: University of Pretoria
PhD dissertation title: A generic probabilistic model for natural hazard assessment
Current research interests and projects: Probabilistic hazard and risk analyses, spatial and geostatistics
Selected publication 1: Fabris-Rotelli, I., von Maltitz, M.J., Smit, A., Das, S., Roberts, D., Maribe, G., Maposa, D. and Corrêa, F.M., 2022. Development of an early career academic supervisor in Statistics-A discussion towards a guiding rubric. ORiON, 38(1), pp.29-51.
Selected publication 2: Kijko, A., Vermeulen, P.J. and Smit, A., 2021. Estimation Techniques for Seismic Recurrence Parameters for Incomplete Catalogues. Surveys in Geophysics, pp.1-21.
Selected publication 3: Dyson, L.L., Pienaar, N., Smit, A., Kijko, A. (2021). An ERA‐Interim HAILCAST hail climatology for southern Africa. International Journal of Climatology. 41: pp. 262– 277.
Selected publication 4: Smit, A., Stein, A., Kijko, A. (2019). Bayesian Inference in Natural Hazard Analysis for Incomplete and Uncertain Data. Environmetrics. Online:
Selected publication 5: Kijko, A., Smit, A., Papadopoulos, G.A. and Novikova, T., (2018). Tsunami Hazard Assessment of Coastal South Africa Based on Mega-Earthquakes of Remote Subduction Zones. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 175 (4), 1287-1304.
Selected publication 6: Smit, A., Kijko, A., Stein, A. (2017). Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment from Incomplete and Uncertain Historical Catalogues with Application to Tsunamigenic Regions in the Pacific Ocean. Pure and Applied Geophysics. Vol 174 (8): 3065-3081.
Selected publication 7: Kijko, A. and Smit, A., (2017). Estimation of the Frequency–Magnitude Gutenberg–Richter b‐Value without Making Assumptions on Levels of Completeness. Seismological Research Letters, 88(2A), pp.311-318.
Selected publication 8: Liebenberg, K., Smit, A., Coetzee, S., Kijko, A. (2017). A GIS approach to seismic risk assessment with an application to mining-related seismicity in Johannesburg, South Africa. Acta Geophysica.
Selected publication 9: Kijko, A., Smit, A., Sellevoll, M.A. (2016). Estimation of Earthquake Hazard Parameters from Incomplete Data Files. Part III. Incorporation if Uncertainty of Earthquake-Occurrence Model. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 106(3). pp.1210-1222.
Selected publication 10: Kijko, A. and Smit, A., 2012. Extension of the Aki‐Utsu b‐value estimator for incomplete catalogs. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 102(3), pp.1283-1287.
Capstone assignment title: Review of development strategies for contemporary STEM doctoral graduates in South Africa
Capstone assignment abstract: STEM doctoral graduates are often referred to as knowledge creators within the knowledge economy. In South Africa, most STEM doctoral graduates followed the traditional doctoral education scheme that is aimed at training future academics with a heavy emphasis on the development of a research identity. Less attention is typically given to the development of the professional identity of the graduate. Recent years has shown a plateau in the rate of growth in the number of STEM doctoral graduates in the country. This paper reviews potential factors, existing doctoral programmes and how work-related skill developments within the doctoral education schemes can develop highly desirable contemporary STEM scientists for the industry and the country.