Department/Unit: Business
Qualifications: PhD in Human Capital Management, MBA, Msc in Development Studies, Bachelor of Business Management and Information Technology, Higher Diploma in Human Resource Management, Diploma in Personnel Management, Certificate in PhD Supervision, Certificate in Research Methods, Certificate in Labour, Conciliation and Arbitration
PhD Institution: National of Science and Technology
PhD dissertation title: Human capital Management to curb the flight skills in Zimbabwean rural schools: A case study of Mazowe District
Current research interests and projects: Talent management, gender and education, human capital management, corporate governance
Selected publication 1: An evaluation of the effectiveness of performance management systems on service delivery in the Zimbabwean civil service P Zvavahera Journal of Management and Marketing Research 14, 1
Selected publication 2: Corporate governance and ethical behaviour: The case of the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation P Zvavahera, GR Ndoda Journal of Academic and Business Ethics 9, 1
Selected publication 3: The Effect of Leadership on Service Delivery in Universities. P Zvavahera Research in Higher Education Journal 21
Selected publication 4: The use of information and communication technology in supervising open and distance learning PhD students P Zvavahera, F Masimba Ukrainian Journal of Educational Studies and Information Technology 7 (3), 32-41
Selected publication 5: Gender and knowledge production in institutions of higher learning: an African context NSMGOA Promise Zvavahera, Mercy Dikito-Wachtmeister, Sheppard Pasipanodya Journal of the British Academy, 9 ((s1)), 217–241
Selected publication 6: Leveraging academic-industry partnerships for inclusive virtual learning P Zvavahera, EC Garwe, S Pasipanodya, F Chigora, C Katsande Perspectives in Education 40 (1), 306-322
Selected publication 7: Relating the Zunde raMambo Philosophy in Managing Organisations in Africa P Zvavahera Responsible Management in Africa, Volume 1: Traditions of Principled Management
Selected publication 8: Work ethics and industrial relations in higher education institutions P Zvavahera, F Chigora, S Kembo Journal of Applied Management and Investments 10 (Issue 2), 67-78
Selected publication 9: The presidential scholarship programme in Zimbabwe: A living case of the political will in promoting regionalisation in higher education. P Zvavahera Journal of Case Studies in Education 6
Selected publication 10: Journal of Business School P Zvavahera, R Tandi JOURNAL BUSINESS OF SCHOOL, 63
Capstone assignment title: The use of information and communication technology in supervising open and distance learning PhD students
Capstone assignment abstract: This essay is going to focus on the supervision of PhD students studying through the Open and Distance Learning (ODL) mode of education. Further focus will be on lessons learnt and areas that need attention in my Universty and in our local universities as well. ODL is defined as way of education that focuses on all aspects of open learning considering education and training whereby learners are freed from the challenges of time and place through a flexible learning environment (Ghosh,, 2012). Information and communications technology (ICT) is defined as the technology used to take care of all telecommunications, audio-visual processing and transmission systems , intelligent building management systems, broadcast media, and monitoring functions and network-based control.