The SciSTIP Steering Committee comprises of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Stellenbosch University representing the host institution, the Chair of the SciSTIP Scientific Advisory Committee, representatives from DSI and the NRF, as well as the SciSTIP Management Team. The responsibility of the Steering Committee is to provide oversight and advice to ensure alignment with, and advancement of, the research lines and human capacity development of SciSTIP.
Prof Daya Reddy
President of the International Science Council, and Professor Emeritus at the University of Cape Town (UCT)
Chair: SciSTIP Steering Committee
Prof. Sibusiso Moyo
Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research, Innovation and Postgraduate Studies, Stellenbosch University
Dr Makobetsa Khati
Executive Director: Research Chairs and Centres of Excellence (RCCE) Directorate, National Research Foundation (NRF)
Prof. Johann Mouton
Director: SciSTIP, Stellenbosch University
Ms Rose Msiza
Director: Research Support, Department of Science and Innovation (DSI)
Prof Cassidy Sugimoto
Professor & Tom and Marie Patton School Chair, School of Public Policy, Georgia Institute of Technology
Chair: SciSTIP Scientific Advisory Committee
Prof. Robert Tijssen
Emeritus Professor: Science & Innovation Studies, CWTS, Leiden University
Ms Marthie van Niekerk
Centre manager: SciSTIP, Stellenbosch University