News, March 2017
Professor Nelius Boshoff attended the ENRESSH Work Group Meetings at the St. Kliment Ohridski University in Sofia, Bulgaria, on 7 and 8 March 2017. ENRESSH is an EU COST Action which stands for the European Network for Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and the Humanities. The main aim of ENRESSH is to enable social sciences and humanities (SSH) to better demonstrate their true place in academia. To do so, the SSH need adapted and transparent methods of evaluation, calling in turn on improved understanding of how SSH fields generate knowledge, what kind of scientific and societal interactions characterise different SSH disciplines, and what are the patterns of dissemination of research results in the SSH.
Professor Nelius Boshoff (front row, second on the left) is seen here in Sofia with some of the ENRESSH delegates.