SciBytes @ SciSTIP is an information series produced by SciSTIP. Its aim is to disseminate on a regular basis brief reports about some aspect of the science and innovation system in South Africa. The aim is to inform and share knowledge produced by SciSTIP. The “bytes” are written in a non-technical style. Every issue of SciBytes is structured in the form of a main question (with some elaboration). This series forms part of SciSTIP’s science engagement strategy.

SciByte 7: Megatrends in the South African higher education and science system

SciByte 6: What percentage of academic staff in South Africa holds a doctoral degree?

SciByte 5: How employable are South Africa’s doctoral graduates?

SciByte 4: Are SA women academics and scholars increasing their contribution to research publication output?

SciByte 3: How to identify and respond to the continuing threat of predatory publishers and journals

SciByte 2: How well is South African science doing?

SciByte 1: How many scientific papers does South Africa produce annually?