Important Points to Remember
Like you will hopefully have noticed, the BeWell Management Information System allows managers to do, amongst others, the following within their specific environments, and also for the system as a whiole:
Other tools to further analyse the performance of mentors and mentees are also available, like leaderboards, news feeds and reports on mentor reflections and the achievements of mentors and mentees. They are only available on the "BeWell MIS Home" page.
All of the above (1-8) is available from the top menu, and also remember that you can always return to the home page of the BeWell Management Information System by selecting the "BeWell MIS Home" menu option from the top menu.
Head mentors and ResEd coordinators (and their assistants) MUST check the correctness of the list of mentors as indicated within the management information pages of the residences and PSO wards they are responsible for. This is extremely important!
To do this, first select the "Mentor Registrations" menu option from the menu at the top of the page. Now check that all the mentors that are listed there are indeed mentors in your environment. Also check if their student numbers are correct. Make a list of everybody that is not a mentor, as well as a list of mentors with incorrect personal information, and add the correct personal information. Make one last list of students who are indeed mentors, but who are not listed on the page. Please include their names, surnames and student numbers on the list.
Send your lists to Dr Alten du Plessis at The changes indicated on your lists will be made on the system with the next update of the system (check your dashboard for the date!).
For Your Information(FYI): The original lists of mentors were compiled at the end of 2014. It is your responsibility to notify us of changes. Wrong information will negatively impact your res/pso's statistics. We appreciate your cooperation!