Experience Ratings of BeWell

How Sessions Are Rated

It is compulsory for mentors to log all the mentoring sessions they have with their mentoring groups (it takes less than three minutes per session on cell phones). They complete an online form within which they identify the type of session that was conducted, register which mentees were present at the session, list the lesson(s) they have learnt in conducting the session, rate the quality of the session on a ten point scale from their perspective as a mentor, and rate the personal value they have gotten from their involvement in the session, also on a ten point scale. Mentors conduct and log welcoming period sessions, wellness card sessions, individual (one-on-one) sessions, social media sessions (for example via WhatApp) and other sessions (like participating in a workshop as a group).

Mentees are encouraged to also log sessions and rate the quality and value of sessions from their prespective as mentees. It is, however, not compulsory for them. They use a similar form as the mentors, but they obviously do not provide details about the attendance of others.

A study was undertaken to investigate how the mentors and mentees of 2017 experienced BeWell.  The results are summarised below.

Quality Ratings of Mentors vs Mentees per Type of Session for 2017

The quality ratings of mentors and mentees per type of mentoring session are depicted below.  The following abbreviations are used in the figure.

  1. Q1 = average quality rating of wellness sessions
  2. Q2 = average quality rating of welcome period sessions
  3. Q3 = average quality rating of individual sessions 
  4. Q4 = average quality rating of social media-based sessions
  5. Q5 = average quality rating of "other" sessions
  6. QT =  average quality rating of mentoring sessions overall

Value Ratings of Mentors vs Mentees per Type of Session for 2017

The value ratings of mentors and mentees per type of mentoring session are depicted below.  The following abbreviations are used in the figure.

  1. V1 = average value rating of wellness sessions
  2. V2 = average value rating of welcome period sessions
  3. V3 = average value rating of individual sessions 
  4. V4 = average value rating of social media-based sessions
  5. V5 = average value rating of "other" sessions
  6. VT =  average value rating of mentoring sessions overall


Both mentors and mentees have a positive experience. The fact that mentees rate both the quality and the value of the mentoring sessions higher than mentors are a compliment to mentors for a job well done!  It is safe to conclude that both mentors and mentees get value out of the mentoring process.


Centre for Business Intelligence,  Stellenbosch University, 12 Murray Street, Stellenbosch, South Africa