2021 in review

As we close off another year, the CGA would like to thank all their clients and collaborators and wish them happy holidays and a joyous new year! This last year has been a busy one for the CGA, with completing several successful projects, short courses, research, and development while dealing with the realities of [...]

2021 in review2021-12-01T12:26:17+02:00

Farewell Lauren McCarthy

The CGA would like to say farewell to GIS & Earth Observation Operator, Lauren McCarthy, who is leaving to take up an au pairing position in the Netherlands. It has been a great pleasure working with Lauren and we would like to thank her for her commitment and dedication to the CGA. She has [...]

Farewell Lauren McCarthy2021-09-14T06:40:02+02:00

Why the Western Cape is so piercingly cold this year

These last few weeks have been really cold, and this week is no different. Based on TerraClim’s climate database, there is a marked difference between this year’s weather compared to last year. But you may be surprised to learn that this year’s temperatures are not colder than the long-term (100+ years) average. For instance, [...]

Why the Western Cape is so piercingly cold this year2021-08-27T16:29:49+02:00

EUREKA Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) Webinar

Watch the webinar hosted by METOS SA to learn more about climate smart agriculture (CSA) and how you can get involved. In addition to the TerraClim project, also being discussed discuss is: Mitigate the impact of climate change Use pesticides more efficiently Maximize crop yields TerraClim | GeoSmart Space | FFG Austrian Research [...]

EUREKA Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) Webinar2021-09-17T07:56:35+02:00

Farewell to Divan and Christiaan

The CGA is saying farewell to two members of staff this month: GIS & EO Analyst, Divan Vermeulen, who has been with the CGA for more than 10 years, and to GIS & EO Operator, Christiaan Theron, who has worked with us since 2017. Divan is leaving to take up a position as a Developer and GIS Specialist at Kartoza. It has been a great pleasure working with Divan [...]

Farewell to Divan and Christiaan2021-06-01T19:54:38+02:00

Welcome to GIS & EO operator James Kapp

The CGA would like to extend a warm welcome to Mr James Kapp, who joined us as a GIS & EO Operator at the beginning of May. We are looking forward to working with James who, among other things, will be involved in the database management and spatial interpolation research and development for the [...]

Welcome to GIS & EO operator James Kapp2021-05-11T13:34:04+02:00

Farewell to GIS & EO analyst Atman Prins

The CGA would like to say farewell to GIS & Earth Observation Analyst Atman Prins, who is leaving to take up a position in Dublin, Ireland. It has been a great pleasure working with Atman and the CGA would like to thank him for his time and dedication during the time he spent at [...]

Farewell to GIS & EO analyst Atman Prins2021-03-17T09:03:01+02:00

Using drone imagery and image segmentation techniques to automatically delineate individual apple trees

Drone imagery is often used to calculate vegetation indices such as the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) to characterize the condition of individual trees in orchards. Individual trees are often defined as a centroid (centre of the tree), or a circle (buffer around the centroid) or a rectangular area (plot). The NDVI values are then extracted for these entities [...]

Using drone imagery and image segmentation techniques to automatically delineate individual apple trees2021-02-12T14:24:46+02:00

Efficacy of machine learning and LiDAR data for crop type mapping

By Atman Prins Accurate crop type maps are important for obtaining agricultural statistics such as water use or harvest estimations. The traditional approach to obtaining maps of cultivated fields is by manually digitising the fields from satellite or aerial imagery. However, manual digitising is time-consuming, expensive and subject to human error. Automated remote sensing [...]

Efficacy of machine learning and LiDAR data for crop type mapping2023-01-23T08:34:13+02:00
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