Did you know about our short courses?
The CGA, together with Stellenbosch University, offers short courses in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Earth Observation (EO). The courses, which are part-time, online and accredited by Stellenbosch University, provide applicants with the skills [...]
Data CoOp stakeholder meeting and presentation
On Friday the 24th of February, the Data CoOp team met with stakeholders to present a Data CoOp project status update and discuss the project’s future. The CGA is currently involved in developing the [...]
Introduction to Earth Observation – A Unique Opportunity
The CGA team is always at the ready to share our knowledge. And it was specifically fulfilling to teach our Introduction to Earth Observation short course in October and November 2022 as part of the [...]
Prof. Adriaan van Niekerk – inaugural professorial lecture
The CGA is proud to congratulate our very own director, Adriaan van Niekerk, for his inaugural lecture, titled "Data Science: Opportunity or threat", that took place at the University of Stellenbosch last week. Adriaan's focus [...]
Past project RESEP school viewer
A while back the CGA assisted the Research on Socioeconomic Policy (RESEP) team in developing an interactive map called the RESEP School Viewer. This web-based tool toggles the data of learner flows at different grades and levels [...]
Short course highlight
Did you know that you can learn to make this map? Our Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) short course teaches you all the basics you need to get hold of spatial data, work [...]