JOOSTE, Tracey (Dr)
Stellenbosch University
Division of Molecular Biology and Human Genetics
South Africa
PhD (Medical Physiology) MSc (Genetics) BSc Hons (Genetics) Member, Women in High Performance Computing (WHPC) Member, Diplomics Genomics Working Group
PhD Institution:
Stellenbosch University
PhD country:
South Africa
PhD dissertation title:
Identification of novel DNA methylation signatures in the development of cardiovascular disease
Current research interests and projects:

I have been involved in projects utilising “omics” technologies to 1) identify genetic variants that predispose individuals to cardiovascular disease (CVD), hypertension and TB; 2) determine the host transcriptional regulatory networks activated upon detrimental or pathogenic stimuli; 3) explore the role of epigenetic modifications such as DNA methylation and chromatin remodelling in disease phenotypes. Other scientific interests and research topics include biomarker discovery, bioinformatics, and the development of genomic resources in South Africa, and it’s understudied yet extremely diverse populations.

Selected publication 1:
Selected publication 2:
Selected publication 3:
Selected publication 4:
Capstone assignment title:
The silent suffering of an African doctoral student
Capstone assignment abstract:

None submitted