PhD dissertation title: Phylogeographic patterns of diversification in three saxicolous small mammals Micaelamys namaquensis Smith, 1834 (Rodentia: Muridae), Procavia capensis Pallas, 1766 and Heterohyrax brucei Gray, 1868 (Hyracoidea: Procaviidae) of South Africa.
Current research interests and projects: Small mammal conservation, phylogeograpgy, genetics and landscape genetics.
Capstone assignment abstract: This paper focuses on student’s doctoral journey and examines the different variables that are responsible for successful completion and eventual employability. The PhD journey should shift focus and become more “student centric” in order to cater for the different styles of learning, background and diversity of students who enter the PhD program. This portfolio is centered around the concept of putting the student first; it endeavours to addresses the challenges faced by students; due to several factors (i.e. diversity, environment, full/part time studies, gender, etc). Secondly, it touches on how characteristics of student retention affect and decreases the chances of defence of a thesis. The research is based on a selection of a few key published research articles on different aspects that affect student studies. The final reflections give insight from a personal perspective and recommends what can be done to smooth the transition between studying-graduation and employment. The findings also may help define/identify the groups of students that are at risk of attrition and should be provided with appropriate support.