Kopano Ratele was one of the panellists on the webinar Psychology of Racism in the Light of the Black Lives Matter Movement. The announcement of the webinar said, among other things: “In this webinar, leading psychologists who work on race and racism, patriarchy, sexuality, class, and violence will offer their insights on how we are to understand racism today, in the country and elsewhere, interrogating the possibilities and challenges of overcoming racism locally and globally, in daily life, universities, and work environments. The reflections on the past and futures of racism take place in the shadow of the public murder of George Floyd in the United States, and the death of Collins Khosa in South Africa, but also the hope ushered in by the sustained protests led by the Black Lives Matter campaign, and similar social movements in other parts of the world. Finally, the discussion will interrogate the courses and new shapes that racism has taken in the country, bringing into conversation different forms of racism, including scientific, discursive and institutional and interpersonal racisms, and their intersections with sexisms, nationalisms, and antipoor structures and policies”. – Watch the recording of the webinar Psychology of Racism in the Light of the Black Lives Matter Movement here was held on 29 July 2020.