PhD, Kings College, University of London
Ongoing Interests: Lindy Heinecken lectures in industrial and political sociology. Her research is within the field of armed forces and society, with a specific interest in civil-military relations, defence transformation, gender integration in the military and peacekeeping.
- Heinecken, L. and Wilen, N. No Place Like Home? Post-deployment Reintegration Challenges Facing South African Peacekeepers, Armed Forces and Society, 47 (3), 2021: 415-434.
- Toit, D and Heinecken, L. Is outsourcing better? Client’s views of contracting in domestic cleaning services. Employee Relations, 43 (5), 2021: 1147-1162
- Liru, P. and Heinecken, L. 2021. Building resilience: The gendered effect of climate change on food security and sovereignty in Kagamega-Kenya. Sustainability, 13, 3751, 1-13.
- Heinecken, L. South Africa: From militarization, to de-militarization to re-militarization, in (eds), Kuehn,D. and Levy, Y.Mobilizing force:Linking Security Threats, Militarization and Civilian Control. London: Lynne Reiner Publishers, 2021: 181-198.
- Heinecken L. The South African Military and Gender Integration: Bridging Theory and Practice. In: Fritz J.M. (eds) International Clinical Sociology. Clinical Sociology: Research and Practice. Springer, Cham, 2021: 277-294, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-54584-0_15
South Africa's Post-Apartheid Military
Lost in Transition and Transformation