This scholarly book aims to illustrate the importance of incorporating internal migration data into development planning initiatives and processes to gain insight into both short- and long-term social changes. This publication draws on census data pertaining to internal migration flows in the Northern Cape and Western Cape provinces of South Africa. The author analyses, compares and presents data across three post-apartheid periods ranging from 1996–2001, 2001–2006 and 2006–2011 to illustrate how current forces drive and direct migration flows and how this impacts the social dynamics within the two provinces.

This book highlights three significant shifts when comparing the two provinces’ pre- and post-1994 internal migration trends. First, it examines the change in the political context framing mobility. Second, it explores the change in the types of internal migration flows sustaining urbanisation. Third, and lastly, it analyses the changing profile of mobile migrants in the Northern Cape and Western Cape.

‘Internal migration and development planning in South Africa’ makes a compelling case for a strategic and coordinated approach by governments by demonstrating the influence of political and economic forces on internal migration flows and their impact on community social dynamics. Such an approach is essential to address the increasing developmental constraints and challenges posed by internal migration in post-apartheid South Africa.

Available here.