Prof Steven Robins
Professor in Social Anthropology
Tel: +27 21 808 2090
Phd, Columbia, 1994
Ongoing Interests: Social Movements, Citizenship, Popular Politics
Selected Publications:
- Robins, Steven. 2016 Letters of Stone: From Nazi Germany to South Africa. Cape Town: Penguin Random House South Africa.
- Robins, Steven and Nick Shepherd, 2008. eds. New South African Keywords: A Concise Guide to Public and Political Discourse in Post-apartheid Society. Jacana Publishers and Ohio University Press.
- Robins, Steven 2008. From Revolution to Rights in South Africa: Social Movements, NGOs and Popular Politics. James Currey Publishers & University of KwaZulu Natal Press.
- Robins, Steven. 2019. ‘‘‘Day Zero’’, hydro-citizenship and the defense of the common in Cape Town: A case study of the politics of water and its infrastructures (2017-2018). Journal of Southern African Studies(JSAS). 45:1, 5-29.
- Robins, Steven. 2014. “Slow activism in fast times: reflections on the mass media after apartheid.” Journal for Southern African Studies Vol. 40, No. 1, 91–110.