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So far hagen has created 122 blog entries.
11 11, 2021

Launch of State of South Africa’s Fathers Report (SOSAF 2021)


The 2nd State of South Africa’s Fathers Report (SOSAF 2021) will be launched in person on Thursday 18 November 2021, from 10:00 to 13:00, at Katjiepiering Restaurant at the Stellenbosch University Botanical Garden. The Report contains findings from the first-of-a-kind national survey of South African fathers. SOSAF 2021 will be [...]

Launch of State of South Africa’s Fathers Report (SOSAF 2021)2021-11-11T16:06:40+02:00
9 11, 2021

MA Psychology student wins best free paper prize of BIGOSA scientific meeting


Brigitta Kepkey: MA Psychology student is Winner of the Best Free Paper Presentation Prize of the 9th BIGOSA Virtual Scientific Meeting. Brigitta Kepkey is currently a Master’s student in the Department of Psychology at Stellenbosch University, where she completed her undergraduate degree and her Honours in Psychology with distinction. In [...]

MA Psychology student wins best free paper prize of BIGOSA scientific meeting2021-11-09T12:17:23+02:00
9 11, 2021

Further allegations of bullying at Paul Roos come to the fore


A PRESTIGIOUS high school in Stellenbosch has been accused of inadequately dealing with bullying, say frustrated parents. A 14 year-old pupil has undergone facial reconstruction surgery this week after a brutal attack by a fellow pupil at Paul Roos Gymnasium High School, in Stellenbosch. Read the full article here: https://www.iol.co.za/weekend-argus/news/further-allegations-of-bullying-at-paul-roos-come-to-the-fore-c56eeea8-750e-4a01-ac82-39412d8288ce

Further allegations of bullying at Paul Roos come to the fore2021-11-09T08:10:44+02:00
19 10, 2021

Stellenbosch Forum: Rage


Professor Lou-Marié Kruger 20 October 2021 13:00 - 14:00 Register: https://bit.ly/3iWSzsV MS Teams A MS Teams link will be sent to all participants via e-mail. Rage People in the world have every reason to be in a state of total rage. What we do with that rage together is important. [...]

Stellenbosch Forum: Rage2021-10-19T09:44:50+02:00
14 10, 2021

Research Summary: Masculinities and Men Who Stutter


We sat down with Dane Isaacs, a graduate student at Stellenbosch University in Stellenbosch, South Africa, to talk about his groundbreaking research on masculinities among men who stutter. Read full article: https://www.division51.net/post/new-research-summary-masculinity-and-men-who-stutter

Research Summary: Masculinities and Men Who Stutter2021-10-14T09:09:16+02:00
13 10, 2021

Russel Botman: Memorial Lecture | Gedenklesing


You are invited to the annual Russel Botman Memorial Lecture, celebrating the life of Prof Hayman Russel Botman and his vision for Educational Justice. The topic of this year’s lecture is “ Revisiting critical hope in uncertain times”. The annual Russel Botman Memorial Lecture is hosted by the Faculty of [...]

Russel Botman: Memorial Lecture | Gedenklesing2021-10-13T09:06:49+02:00
11 10, 2021

Brief prevention programme could help anxious SA children


A study at Stellenbosch University (SU) has shown that a brief mental health prevention programme can help to reduce anxiety in children from low-resourced, semi-rural communities in the Western Cape. The study focused on developing an innovative programme that is suitable for these children, given that the need for accessible [...]

Brief prevention programme could help anxious SA children2021-10-11T19:47:37+02:00
11 10, 2021

Mental health services are not a luxury


Between 75% and 95% of people with mental disorders in low- and middle-income countries cannot obtain mental health services. The level of suffering and distress and their social consequences can be considerable, writes Ashraf Kagee and Katherine Sorsdahl. Read Article: https://www.news24.com/news24/columnists/guestcolumn/opinion-ashraf-kagee-and-katherine-sorsdahl-mental-health-services-are-not-a-luxury-20211009

Mental health services are not a luxury2021-10-11T10:43:25+02:00
6 10, 2021

Sinason meeting of 5th of October 2021 – Psychotherapy and disability meeting recording available


Gallery view with sharing recording https://uwc.zoom.us/rec/play/ePFvz2WBUA94FFCB8YM7PU1tfIZtsNVn_YJcyJRbNc5WIrCxKeCOWSPxlQTJbeDeQdlI36U717xTx-4q.Qhpw79MuF0Wl_c0N Audio recording  GMT20211005-080744_Recording.m4a Chat  GMT20211005-080744_Recording.txt Note: Recordings will expire in 30 days.

Sinason meeting of 5th of October 2021 – Psychotherapy and disability meeting recording available2021-10-06T10:22:00+02:00
4 10, 2021

Colloquium Talk: From PhD candidate to NPO director – Lessons learned


SU Psychology Department Colloquium Series 2021 Speaker MR Daniel Page Date & Time Monday 11th October 2021 13:00 - 13:50 Click here to join the meeting Presenter's bio Daniel Thomas Page is a PhD scholar within the UQ School of Psychology. his interests include youth development, public health, and disability [...]

Colloquium Talk: From PhD candidate to NPO director – Lessons learned2021-10-04T15:39:36+02:00
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