SU Choir Academy was founded in December 2013 as a Community Interaction project. SUCA aims to offer support, knowledge and formal training to choirs and conductors who previously had no or poor access to formal music education. SUCA aims to identify talented young musicians and to provide them with help and guidance for a possible future study at SU. SUCA aims to evolve efficient mediation techniques for the development of a holistic musicianship through choral singing to positively identify children, adolescents and young adults from previously disadvantaged communities. Choirs and Choral Conductors can apply for professional development aid through the division for Choral Conducting at SU. Experienced students adopt a choir and share their knowledge and experience. The students are supervised and benefit from the additional teaching experience. Raised funds shall provide the choirs regularly with the greatest possible exposure to concerts of a high standard. Choirs will be motivated to actively participate in special occasion concerts at the Music department organized by the division for Choral Conducting. Seminars and workshops will expose choirs and conductors to knowledge of a high standard. Funds for SUCA have to come from outside the University. Each project requires a cooperation partner in the specific community.
Martin Berger is Head of the division. Inquiries: