Doctoral – PhD (Music)

Entrance requirements

  • Candidates for the PhD in Music must have a Master’s degree (or an acceptable equivalent qualification approved by Senate for this purpose) that provides evidence of advanced, independent creative abilities and/or research skills.
  • Details of the selection process may be obtained from the Department.

Course length:

  • The minimum period for enrollment is two years.

What does a PhD (Music) entail?

  • Doctoral degrees in the arts are research degrees culminating in a dissertation.  The study as a whole can consist of theoretical work or it can be the result of an integrated study of the creative processes and theoretical work which are reported in the dissertation.  The unique nature of the integrated option is derived from the coherence and interdependency of the study of the creative processes and theoretical dimensions of the research leading to an original contribution to knowledge of and insight into the arts.  All material presented for the dissertation, including the creative work, should be in a format that can be archived and thereby be available to other users.

Auditions for Doctorate Programmes

An audition is required for the options Practical Music Study (Solo voice / Solo instrument / Accompaniment / Chamber Music / Conducting).

A portfolio of compositions must be submitted when applying for the Composition option.


At the auditions students automatically are considered for a number of Departmental Bursaries.

Apply for Bursary

Should you require additional information, kindly contact the following members of staff:

Doctoral co-ordinator: Prof. Pieter Grobler E-mail: