iProsper Soundboard Project at Rietenbosch Primary School
The iProsper Project is aligned to the South African Government’s National Development Plan 2030. As such, it strives to support the development of well-rounded, autonomous, skilled, and capable individuals, whom embody a sense of social relatedness and ecological awareness. In broad terms, the project goals include the establishment of holistically integrated programs and activities, inclusive of the following: cultural and sport activities; access to excellence – for example music training; activities that ensure Parental Involvement and Community Development. Special focus – over a wide variety of activities – include the development of the following skills: cooperation, listening skills, empathy and motor skills. In a nutshell: iProsper aims at creating a home from home, where the integrated activities and programs and the infrastructure improvements serve the learners and community throughout the year.
The Soundboard Project is the Music component to the iProsper project. It provides a valuable platform where Music Education students can gain knowledge and insight into teaching practice. The project offers the following:
Class Music: Focus on the development of musicianship and listenership and the holistic development of learners.
Individual lessons: A selected group of learners receive weekly lessons in guitar and drums.
Recorder group lessons: Provides a solid foundation in instrumental teaching.
Percussion ensemble: Instruments / activities include: Rimba tubes, cup songs and other forms of percussion e.g. body percussion and playing on music instruments made from recycled materials. Main aim is to provide a platform where learners can engage with music activities and in doing so lay a foundation for lifelong musical enjoyment.
Choirs: Students accompany and assist with both senior and junior choirs.
Music production: The goal of the annual Music concert/production is to provide an opportunity for learners to perform and demonstrate to their families what they have already accomplished.
FAS Project (Fetal Alcohol Syndrome): The main aim is to create a space where learners with FAS symptoms can be actively involved in a music classroom in order to teach them strategies they can employ that have a positive influence on their general behaviour in the mainstream classroom.
For more information: danellherbst@sun.ac.za