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Mariechen Meyer

By April 21, 2020Uncategorized

Mariechen Meyer believes the double bass or any form of bass to be an essential ingredient to music – music being an essential ingredient to life.  For that very reason she is an expert in her field and an active promoter of the double bass and music education in general.  Ever since she started playing the double bass Mariechen has been fascinated by the role of the double bass as a solo and chamber instrument. This fascination has led to numerous local and international music experiences such as being member of the Bassinova Quartet (USA)and iPalpiti Artists International (USA), competing in international competitions, attending masterclasses and workshops  in the United States and Europe and performing as soloist with the University of North Texas Symphony Orchestra (2013), Cape Town Philharmonic Orchestra (2008) and Johannesburg Symphony Orchestra (2004).  Mariechen started her studies with Peter Guy in Bloemfontein from the age of 10 that was followed by her undergraduate studies with Roxane Steffen at the University of Stellenbosch and graduate studies with Jeff Bradetich at the University of North Texas. After completing her final doctorate degree in musical arts at UNT with Bradetich, Mariechen moved back to South Africa and is currently working as a freelance performer, private double bass teacher and part-time lecturer at the University of Stellenbosch excited to share her knowledge, to continuously keep learning, do research and help promote the versatility of the double bass, the importance of music education and classical music in our community.

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