Socratic Society

Socratic Society

What is the Socratic Society?

The Socratic Society is the student-run philosophical society of Stellenbosch University comprised of its undergraduate and postgraduate students. The purpose of the Socratic Society is to get students practising philosophy through discussion and engagement with each other and the broader university community. To this end, the Society hosts a number of formal events per year and some informal social gatherings. For the formal gatherings, speakers are usually selected from the student body to present on a philosophical question after which they will field questions and hold a discussion with their peers and members of the audience. In the broadest terms, the purpose of the Society is to cultivate habits of critical thinking and mature intellectual engagement in debate and argument. It is a place in which the tools of philosophical analysis will be honed and will provide the space to exercise and practice philosophical thinking in a supportive environment structured to do just that.

Inquiries: Dr Andrea Palk