Stellenbosch Socratic Journal

The Stellenbosch Socratic Journal is a peer-reviewed publication that aims to motivate undergraduate and postgraduate critical thinkers to share their perspectives in a formal, academic setting. The journal is a student-run publication that understands the unique challenges young academics and researchers face in terms of having their voices heard. Therefore, the journal provides a platform for inter-student collaboration, where new ideas can be developed and fostered in a critical, yet supportive environment.

The team behind the Stellenbosch Socratic Journal consists of postgraduate students from a wide variety of philosophical specialisations. The duties of this board range from ensuring all submissions are reviewed timeously, to selecting papers for final publication. Please feel free to contact a board member with any questions or concerns you may have regarding the journal.

Tamlyn February | Editor-in-Chief | van Veijeren | Co-Editor |
Ivan Bock | Co-Editor |
Jacqueline Tulleners | Co-Editor |
Robin Bruce | Co-Editor |
Reid Donson | Co-Editor |
Hanrié Viljoen | Co-Editor |
Paul Joubert | Designer |

Recent Publications


All postgraduate Philosophy students at Stellenbosch University are welcome to submit papers for review. Third-year Philosophy students at Stellenbosch University are also welcome to submit; however, submissions by these students are subject to special criteria. Only papers that fulfil the requirements below will be considered for review. Any papers that do not fulfil these requirements will receive a desk rejection.

To submit your paper for review, please email your paper in .docx format to Please include the title of your paper, the topic it covers (environmental ethics, existentialism, etc.) and your name in the email.

We look forward to collaborating with you.

General Requirements

  • Submissions should be anonymous, i.e. the paper must not contain any identifiable information about the author. If a paper gets accepted, typically only after some revision(s), the author should then de-anonymize the paper.
  • Papers should include an abstract of 150 to 250 words.
  • Papers should be submitted in MS Word format, 12pt, Times New Roman, 1.5 spaced, and justified. 
  • Headings should use the decimal system.
  • Papers must contain a Stellenbosch Harvard style alphabetised reference list and in-text references. (That is, in-text references look like: (Author, 2022:123).)
  • The paper must be the original work of the author and must not have appeared in any other journal or publication.
  • The paper must address a topic that is philosophically relevant and interesting.
  • The paper must be between 1500 and 5000 words long.

Special requirements for third-year students

  •  All above requirements must be fulfilled.
  • The paper must be an adaptation of an essay/assignment submitted for a Philosophy module at Stellenbosch University.
  • The essay/assignment must have achieved a final mark of 80%+ to be eligible.

