Campus shuttle service (Stellenbosch)

A campus shuttle service is available in on central campus. This service focuses on the following needs:

  1. Transport between the general parking areas on the edge of campus and central campus during the day.
  2. Transport to and from service divisions and departments on the edge of campus (e.g. Food Science and Welgevallen), to and from central campus.
  3. Transport of congress attendees to and from the general parking areas on the edge of campus.

Schedule, costs, identification/payment mechanism, routes, pick-up points

    A B

Day shuttle

07:30 – 17:00 (on campus)

Evening shuttle

18:00 – 02:00 (booked service in town)

1 Focus Service between general parking areas on the edge of campus and central campus during the day

A booked service for students studying late at night from pick-up point at Neelsie to private housing in broader town

Make a booking.

2 Schedule

Monday to Friday

Click here for shuttle times.

Begins: Start of welcoming week for first year students.

Ends: Last day of December Graduation (weekday)

Exclusions: Shuttles DO NOT operate during the following periods:

  • weekends and public holidays
  • recess
  • Second exam opportunity

*Adjusted Times during first opportunity exams:

    7:30-9:00 Every 15 min, thereafter every 30 min
    7:30-9:30 Every 15 min, thereafter every hour

Monday to Sunday

Every hour, from 18:00 (last trip departs at 02:00)

Begins: When classes resume

Ends: Last day of December Graduation (weekday)

Times: Hourly from 18:00-02:00
Booking is essential!

3 Identification / payment mechanism
Student or staff card Student or staff card
4 Colour and description on map: Coetzenburg to Conservatory via Skuilhoek or Van Riebeeck Street Not a set route
Lentelus to Joubert Street via Hammanshand Road  
Conservatory to Welgevallen Experimental Farm  
5 Specific conditions:   Operate only within a radius of 6km from the Neelsie
6 Maps: Routes for day shuttle service 6km radius
7 Pick-up points: Pick-up points for each route indicated on the map by a diamond in the colour of the route. Drop-off points to be indicated with a square. Neelsie parking area – at the main entrance to the Neelsie (east side)
8 Costs for Students / staff registered for parking: No additional costs No additional costs
9 Costs for Students / staff not registered for parking: Amount to be announced No additional costs



Tygerberg shuttle service


Transports Tygerberg residence students who have made bookings between the campus collection point and a nearby shopping centre, currently Tyger Valley (Mon - Wed) and Parow Centre (Thur) as well as to private housing within a 6km radius.

1. Book via this link.
2. This service does not operate on Sundays or public holidays.

  • Begins: When classes resume
  • Ends: Last day of Dec graduation (weekday)
  • Booking is essential.

3. For available trip times see summary below:


  • Tygerberg Campus (TSS) - Tygervalley Mall ONLY (Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri) *17:00
  • Tygerberg Campus (TSS) - Parow Centre ONLY (Thur) *17:00
  • Tygerberg Campus (TSS) - Tygerberg surroundings & mall *18:00
  • Tygervalley Mall - Tygerberg Campus (TSS) (Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri) *19:00
  • Parow Centre - Tygerberg Campus (TSS) (Thur ONLY) *19:00
  • Tygerberg Campus (TSS) - Tygerberg surroundings *19:30 *20:30 *21:30 *22:30 


  • Tygerberg Campus (TSS) - Surroundings & Parow Centre *09:00
  • Tygerberg Campus (TSS) - Surroundings *10:00 *11:00 *13:30 *14:30
  • Tygerberg Campus (TSS) - Surroundings & Tygervalley Mall *12:30
  • Parow Centre - Tygerberg Campus (TSS) *12:00
  • Tygervalley Mall - Tygerberg Campus (TSS) *15:30
Pick-up points

1. In front of Tygerberg Student Centre (TSC)
2. Entrance 9 at Tyger Valley Centre
3. Entrance 4 at Parow Centre



Code of conduct for Matie Bus users


The code of conduct applies to:

  1. All Matie Buses or shuttle buses
  2. All SU bus stops


  1. Wait until the Matie Bus has come to a complete standstill before boarding.
  2. Hold your card in front of the card reader for identification purposes or pay quickly with your SU staff or student card so as not to delay the departure of the Matie Bus.
  3. Keep your seat belt on for the full duration of the trip.
  4. Be considerate towards other passengers.
  5. Respect the privacy of other passengers.
  6. Do not throw anything out of the windows or doors of the Matie Bus.
  7. If you want to listen to music, please use headphones.
  8. No eating, smoking, or messing on the buses or at the bus stops.
  9. No alcohol is allowed.
  10. Do not bother the driver or other passengers.
  11. Do not lie down on the seats.